We're moving!

You can still go to Eindhoven for a live analysis until December 20. From mid-January I will open my new practice space in Arnhem. Online analyzes continue as usual.

To celebrate this transition, you will receive a 10% discount on an online core talent analysis or trajectory until January 6.


Connecting the dots so you can fly!

Discover what really gives you energy.


You think quickly and can do a lot. But what really makes you happy? What gives you energy?

With a core talent analysis you get to know your energy providers and energy leaks. In the extensive report you can read everything about your character potential intrinsic motivation. A compass for life.

What are the 23 core talents?

Core talents are:


Potential (could be)

Intrinsic Motivation (wanting)

There are 23 core talents. Different types of creativity, for example, structure and organization, initiative and autonomy, entrepreneurship, team play, strategic insight, empathy and coming out.

You have all the core talents strong, half or small. That makes an analysis so personal, there are 94 billion combinations possible!

Your core talent constellation provides a nuanced picture of your natural talent, intrinsic motivation and development potential. It shows what you naturally like to do and how you like to do it. This gives you insight into, among other things, what gives you energy and what costs you energy, what kind of entrepreneur you are and how you are creative.


An analysis that provides an accurate picture of what you want, what you can do and what suits you based on your 23 core talents.


Suitable from 14 years.

For study, career, reorientation and questions about meaning.


An analysis can easily be done online. For companies, the analysis can also be done on location. Would you rather meet live? This is possible in Eindhoven until December 20. The practice will then move to Arnhem. You are expected to be able to go there from mid-January. Online appointments continue as normal.

What can a core talent analysis do for you?


Choosing is difficult because there is so much fun and interesting.

Sometimes you throw yourself into just a few more things at once than is convenient. A multipotentialite is someone with many different interests and creative goals, who prefers to do them all at the same time. A core talent analysis gives you insight into what gives you energy. It is the blueprint that helps you navigate a world of endless possibilities.

Highly intelligent?

You can do a lot, but you are looking for what really makes you happy.

You know how to manipulate most assessments. Moreover, you do not like to be pigeonholed. A core talent analysis goes back to your childhood, there is no pressure to perform. You get a nuanced image reflected back. With a core talent analysis you gain insight into what your energy providers and energy leaks are.

Suitable work?

You are faced with a choice in work or study.

Which study suits me? Which job suits me? A core talent analysis gives you insight into your unique combination of 23 core talents. You can use this to test vacancies and training courses. Can I use enough of my strong core talents here? Will my small core talents be called upon? Use the checklist and make sustainable choices for your future.

How does a core talent analysis work?

step 1

A core talent analysis is a short-term process. It starts by completing an online questionnaire. The questions are about your childhood play between 4 and 12 years old.

step 2

I will interview you face to face or online based on the questionnaire. After a short break, I will give you verbal feedback on your strong, half and minor core talents. This appointment takes about three hours.

step 3

You will receive a brief overview or a detailed report of your core talent constellation and the significance of your specific combination within two weeks. If desired, we will plan a follow-up process.

What is your investment?

core talents



private: including VAT

self-employed: excluding VAT

employer: on request

    intake interviewonline questionnaire appointment 3 hoursoral feedback core talentscompact report with your strong, half and minor core talents. 5 pages

core talents



private: including VAT

self-employed: excluding VAT

employer: on request

    everything from the core talent discovery extensive report with your core talents and specific combinations. Explanation of your core talent constellation in relation to burn-out, bore-out, perfectionism, creativity and leadership. 25 - 35 pages. telephone or online follow-up discussion

core talents



private: including VAT

self-employed: excluding VAT

employer: on request

    everything from the core talents analysis core talents in practice: in-depth conversation about your life and career, interpreted from your core talents. 1.5 - 2 hours. personal report of your core talents in practice. consultation based on your core talents on a current issue.

You have already done an analysis, but you want more...

You have already done an analysis.

You know your core talents,

but what now?

Maybe it's been a while. You know your core talents but don't do much with them (anymore). Shame actually.

With me you can actively work on your core talents in a short coaching process. It doesn't matter where you did your analysis, or how long ago, the results remain valid for a lifetime.

Based on my knowledge of the individual core talents, but especially how the combinations interact, we explore your development questions together. I also bring my experience and knowledge of giftedness, high sensitivity, mindset and creativity.

Are you ready for a new step?

Does it suit you to dream about the future while making? Would you rather explore yourself with a good conversation? See below which method appeals to you.

    Vision board sessionCore talents in practiceCoaching from core talents

Vision board session

Yes, please go there!


a visual dot on the horizon

In this active session we create a vision board based on your core talent profile, your life now and your dreams for the future. With various creative working methods to get to the core. You will go home with more knowledge about yourself and your unique combination of core talents, and with a visual dot on the horizon.

The session lasts 3 to 4 hours and can be booked individually or as a workshop with a maximum of 4 participants. All materials (surface, magazines, glue, paint, etc) are included. If you have images or photos that have special meaning for you, please feel free to bring them with you.

Before the session, I ask you to share your core talent profile with me so that I can prepare.

Location in consultation.

The costs of an individual session are €390

The costs for a workshop with a maximum of 4 participants are €220 pp

to request

Core talents in practice

Your core talent profile


In an in-depth conversation about your life and career, we explain how your core talents played a role. This brings to life the multitude of information that comes to you from such an analysis. We take 1.5 to 2 hours for this conversation.

In a second conversation (1 to 1.5 hours) we explore a current issue based on your core talents. Consider, for example, the step towards entrepreneurship, and which form would suit you and where you can expect possible challenges. Or other steps in your career or life. Your blueprint is the compass.

The conversations are currently online.

The investment for this short journey is €350

(private including VAT, business excluding VAT)

to request

Coaching from core talents

Your core talent profile

as a compass

Sometimes it's nice to be able to spar with someone. In addition to the programs, you can contact me for discussions based on your core talent profile and development questions. To your size.

I celebrate (neuro)diversity. Based on my knowledge of the individual core talents, but especially how the combinations interact, we will work on your question. I also bring my experience and knowledge of giftedness, high sensitivity, mindset and creativity.

The conversations are currently online.

Price: customization / on request

to request

Overview of services

core talent discovery

Analysis of your unique core talent profile compact report.

core talent analysis

Analysis of your unique core talent profile extensive report follow-up discussion.

core talent trajectory

Analysis of your unique core talent profile extensive report. In-depth conversation about your life and career based on your core talent profile an advisory meeting.

vision board session

Active, creative session after which you will have more knowledge about yourself and your unique combination of core talents.

core talents in practice

An in-depth conversation about your life and career and sparring about a current issue.

coaching from core talents

Discussion based on your core talent profile and development questions. Customization.



Send me a message if you have any questions or would like to schedule a no-obligation introductory meeting. I like to hear from you.

Would you like me to contact you by telephone? Please also leave your telephone number.


Spoiled Eland


Background of the methodology

The Coretalents method was developed by Danielle Krekels. It is a method that was initially developed purely empirically, based on conducting > 12,000 in-depth interviews over 30 years (of engineers and since 2005 also of completely different profiles, including teenagers, adolescents, students and numerous adults in all possible categories and directions of the labor market. The link between children's toys, activities, games and interests and their interpretation into core talents was checked, double-checked, weighed and refined during all this time with the help of the interviewees themselves.


The scientific validation of the core talents questionnaire was obtained in May 2015 with a Cronbach's Alpha reliability score of .84 (3x test-retest with >1700 respondents over >1 year) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Elke Van Hoof.

about me

How nice that you are here!

I'm Manja, who are you?

An analysis that gives an accurate picture of what you want, what you can do and what suits you based on your 23 core talents! When I underwent a core talent analysis myself a few years ago, I found the insights I received back so valuable that I decided to take the training. I also love learning. Broad knowledge acquisition is one of my strongest core talents.


Aesthetic creativity too, by the way. In addition to being a core talent analyst, I am a developer of creative and educational concepts, a professional artist in the classroom, a trainer and an illustrator. In recent years I have delved into the psychology of high sensitivity, mindset and the courage to fail. In 2023 I completed the independent talent supervisor for gifted children training at Novilo Cum Laude.


You could call me a jack-of-all-trades or multi-potentialite, but with a common thread: creativity as a goal and as a means, and encouraging people to be themselves in all their beautiful (neuro)diversity.


The core talents method is a fantastic tool to help you, as a quick-thinking, creative multi-tasker, navigate in a world of endless possibilities. I would like to explore with you what really gives you energy, so that you can experience more flow in your life.


Whether you live in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Groningen or Maastricht, I can analyze you online. And if you live in the region or are making a day of it, I would love to meet you in Arnhem in 2024.

I look forward to serving you!

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